If you are looking to begin a career or seeking a career change altogether, Massage Therapy could be the right choice for you. The need for well-trained massage therapists is currently enormous and is projected to grow by more than 20% in the coming decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In addition to a rapidly growing job market, many massage therapists enjoy an excellent work/life balance that comes with the freedom of dictating your own work hours. Imagine being your own boss and living a life you are in total control of! Not sure about working for yourself? Don’t worry; As a massage therapist, you can easily find a job working at a spa, salon, medical clinic, cruise ship, and more. The possibilities are endless!
The average pay for a massage therapist entering the job market is $40,000 a year, which grows to $60,000 after just 3 years in the market. Wow! You should also note that Massage therapists who specialize make an average of $20,000 -$40,000 more annually than those who don’t.
Currently looking for a massage school in Houston? The typical Avalon student spends just 6 - 8 months in school before entering the job market. The best part is that Avalon School of Massage provides you with the tools you need to find success after graduation. What are you waiting for? Contact us for more information!